Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024




1. What is purpose of this application?

This Application will provide collective and credible information from various online platforms and News inputs. For better discussion & logical arguments user must have a tool, by keeping that idea we have introduced this application   

2. How does it work?

We have kept many filter segments for user. If you have any keywords in your mind just type it and you will probably find information related to that. You can choose time period for the information you wish for

3. Will you include more categories in this application?

Yes, In our future upgraded version will adapt more categories in information segment for better outreach for user

4. Does this application have any supporting Keywords?

No, As information itself is a ocean of data we are not looking to restraint our user with some Keywords hence they can type any words for information {i.e Investment, Scam, Fraud, Farmers, Environment, Cricket, Football, war, countries name, NCB,IT, many more }

5. Will you charge something for your application?

No, This application has been free for use to all user , as our purpose to spread awareness about logical discussion . We are working on some exclusive content which will add up in upcoming version for those users who will need credible info about their interest.

6. How you can assert about credible information?

As we mention earlier our collective data base is online news & social media portal. We just filter out the data and provide it to end user. We also mention reference of information in our content. As we are not claiming on information credentials as we take it from another sources.

7. What sort of online portals you are mentioning?

All sources like, DC, NYT, TH, TOI, FPJ, Reuters, Media houses, social media channels, State level channels, local journals many others.

8. Why you have just headlines sort of information?

As we are working on a unique concept that’s why for this is our first version, and even you can find definitely useful data from it. We hope you will help us with your valuable feedback for making your experience great.